Simone Samuels

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing October 12, 2020

*all days and times are AEST

Aside from it being a New Moon week and the start to a new lunar cycle, we still have Mars retrograde in Aries as well as Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio which means that the astro weather continues to be quite intense emotionally and mentally.

Waning Crescent Moon in Leo

To kick off our week we have the Waning Crescent Moon in the sign of outgoing and creative Leo. This energy is a bit of a juxtaposition with the waning Moon phase being one that encourages us to slow right down, finalise our projects and to rest, restore and nurture. Yet, the big, playful and sunny Leo energy is one that might lead you to putting yourself out there to be seen in the world.

One way to strike a balance between these two vibes is to focus on ways to cultivate your creativity or pampering yourself in the kind of way that makes you feel like a queen as a way to express your self-love. You might also enjoy spending some time in the sun to enjoy it’s warmth and to embrace the fiery Leo energy. Use the oil blend Cheer to also harness the Leo energies.

Waning Crescent Moon in Virgo

On Tuesday we have a long Void-of-Course Moon before it transits into a Virgo Moon on Tuesday afternoon. Virgo is detail oriented so this is a good time to do tasks that require focused attention or which need you to analyse information. Be mindful of seeing the details and not the bigger picture when making decisions about things and also don’t try to overdo things with the workaholic tendencies the Virgo Moon might bring.

In this waning phase it is best to take it easy and to slow right down. Virgo loves routines, so stick to these but don’t forget to have some fun too. Ylang-Ylang is the essential oil of play, so diffuse this if you want to inject some fun into your day.

Dark Moon in Libra

On Thursday and Friday the Dark Moon will be in harmonious Libra. The Dark Moon is a time to rest and to contemplate the lessons learned over the past lunar cycle. Be careful not to focus too much on imperfections in your relationships or to be too judgemental, feelings which could be highlighted with the Libra influence at this time. If you do feel this, then work with the essential oil Bergamot.

During the Dark Moon phase it is best to relax and rest ad go inward in preparation for the New Moon. Contemplate on what is important for you to maintain balance in all areas of your life and especially in your relationships so that you can prepare your New Moon intentions, to connect with yourself and to re-set. This is a good time to do restorative Yin Yoga, take a sneaky nap and to relax. The Balance essential oil blend will also be great to use to harness the Libra energies.

New Moon in Libra

At 5:31am on Saturday is the New Moon in Libra, with the Sun joining the Moon in this diplomatic ad harmonious sign. With its emphasis on balance, communication and relationships, this Libra New Moon is a good time to look at how you communicate in your relationships. You might find that emotions are running high in your relationships with those who you’re close with as you strive to find and keep equilibrium, so be sure to practice gratitude and be compassionate with both yourself and others.

Spend time on your own in a place that is beautiful and evokes feelings of peace and calm. Roll some Peace blend over your temple and wrists, get out your journal and contemplate what it is that you really want to get from your relationships and to analyse how you also look after yourself in the ultimate partnership.

Don’t forget to do your New Moon mapping in your My Unstoppable Life Journal and really take the time to rest and plant the seeds for any new plans that you want to create and manifest in this next lunar cycle. Take time for your self-care and to also beautiful your home and to see the beauty in yourself and others. Try this diffuser blend: Bergamot to boost self-esteem, Wild Orange for positive feelings, and Anchor to encourage stability and growth.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Scorpio

On Sunday the Waxing Crescent moon will shift into deep and transformative  Scorpio. This is a time when your intuition might be heightened. A Scorpio Moon is a good time to do things like researching  or to do things that require deeper thought rather than superficial thinking. Try to only make connections with people who you truly want to send time with and who ignite feelings of passion.

The Moon will be joining Mercury which is currently retrograde in Scorpio too, so be prepared for intimate, intense and uncomfortable conversations and for truths to bubble to the surface. Use the Forgive blend to help let go of any hurt or pain that is good to let go of during this time.

Want to use the essential oils mentioned in this forecast? Be in touch with me about joining doTerra!

Find out more about how the Moon can influence your life based on your unique natal chart in a Lunar Visioning astrology reading. Find out more by clicking the banner below!

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