Simone Samuels

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Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast

Week Commencing October 26, 2020

Last week I mentioned that this week was going to be lighter in mood and this is mostly due to a Libra focused energy with both Venus moving into Libra and Mercury still in its retrograde shifting from Scorpio into Libra. We also have Halloween and Samhain on Saturday which is also a Blue Moon. That’s some potent energy right there!

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Pisces

Monday kicks off with the Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sign of sensitive and intuitive Pisces. Pisces is all about empathy and compassion, so be sure to have some of this for yourself today if you’re feeling more emotional than usual. When the Moon is in Pisces it’s a good time to tap into your creative side and to get arty, particularly if you need to sooth your sensitive soul.

This is also a great way to harness the creative energy that can come with the waxing gibbous Moon phase. You might also find that spending time in water (in a pool, the ocean or even a bath) is helpful and that you can tap into your intuition (which is handy for tarot and oracle card reading or giving and receiving energy healing like Reiki). Pisces rules the feet so this is a good time to get a pedicure, and to ground your feet into the earth. If you are feeling sensitive, then my essential oils recommendation is to use the Cheer blend.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Aries

On Wednesday night the Moon will shift into Aries, Venus will move into Libra and Mercury will also go retrograde in Libra. Whilst the go-getter Aries Moon energy is great to harness in these final few days before the Full Moon, the vibes from Venus and Mercury in Libra will polarise the usual Aries energies so it will be easier to see things from different points of view an bring a more gentle and balanced vibe.  

On Thursday and Friday you can harness the Aries Moon energy by allowing yourself to get fired up  in finishing up any tasks that are still on your intentions list, although be sure to review these things to see they are still aligned with what you want and make any necessary adjustments but also rise to the challenge if there is something you want to do that will take more effort than you might have imagined. You might feel more courageous and ever fearless as you go about doing things in your business and be sure to release any excess energy by moving your body in a physical way to sweat it all out. If the Aries Moon is causing you to feel a bit over-stimulated then use the oil blend DigestZen as a way to assimilate and reduce the feelings of overwhelm. Simply place a drop in your hand, rub and inhale.

Full Moon in Taurus| Halloween | Samhain

On Saturday the Moon will move into stable and earthy Taurus. The Moon is almost full, officially the Full Moon will take place on Sunday morning at 1:49am. The Full Moon is always a time to release and with this Full Moon also marking Halloween and Samhain, it is a good time to release negativity and any low-vibe traits such as fear, greed, anger, jealousy.  With the veil between worlds being thinner at this time, tap into your intuition and connect with your ancestors, your inner self and you guides and see yourself in your truest light. The essential oil Cinnamon used in the diffuser can help to make you feel safe and protected if you’re doing any shadow work. The Taurus Moon is also a good time to release any issues you have around money and your possessions and let go of anything that is blocking you in these areas.

On Sunday morning the official Full Moon in Taurus marks the completion of the cycle that started with the Taurus New Moon in April. Go back and look at what intentions you set then, and see what has come to light in the past 6 months. You may need to re-evaluate and improve on some things on your life, and this is a good time in particularly to review your budget. Use your My Unstoppable Life Journal to do your Full Moon Mapping and to help you to do the release work too.

This Taurus Moon is a wonderful time to get grounded among all the Scorpio water energy we have felt this month. Taurus rules money and possessions and these areas of our life could be illuminated on this Moon. It’s a good time to also practice gratitude and particularly around the Taurean values of money, possessions and quality of life. Taurus Moons are the best time to practice self-care an to indulge and enjoy life. Spend time with friends and family and do things you love and truly appreciate all the goodness that you have. Make a roller ball blend of Wild Orange (for abundance), Spikenard (for gratitude) and Elevation (to feel uplifted) and apply this over your heart the full moon to really help to harness the energies of this Taurus Moon.

Find out more about how the Moon can influence your life based on your unique natal chart in a Lunar Visioning astrology reading. Find out more by clicking the banner below!

Want to use the essential oils mentioned in this forecast? Be in touch with me about joining doTerra!

Watch the full forecast on my IGTV below:

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