Simone Samuels

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Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast

Week Commencing November 16, 2020

*all dates and times are in AEST

Did you feel the powerful energy of the New Moon in Scorpio yesterday? It’s not too late to harness the deep and transformational vibes and to set some intention and New Moon wishes if you haven’t already. The Moon is still in Scorpio until Monday afternoon when it will shift signs.

If you have been doing any healing work on the New Moon or during this Scorpio season, especially around partnerships, old habits and old wounds that you’re wanting to heal, there is still a chance to continue with that this week with Venus, the sign of love, moving into Scorpio. This is a great time to deepen your connections and focus on your loving partnerships as well as your own self-love.

There will be a shift later in the week with the Sun moving into Sagittarius. That deep, dark, shadowy energy of Scorpio will start to lift, which might be a relief for many of you. We will also start to feel more momentum with Mars going direct in Aries again after it’s lengthy retrograde that has slowed things right down and caused a sluggishness to our progress.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Sagittarius

Looking at the Moon and how it will influence our mood and energy this week, things kick-off with the Moon shifting from Scorpio into fun-loving and adventurous Sagittarius. When the moon is in this philosophical sign, we might find that we want to re-evaluate our life to find a deeper meaning to things, to explore the truth, or that there will be a desire to learn more about ourselves and the world around us so as to see things from a bigger picture perspective.

Take time out to explore your world for all the possibilities that there could be if you expand your knowledge and experiences. Do something adventurous and out of your usual comfort zone, or even change-up your usual routine and do them in a new way. Rosemary is the oil of knowledge and would be a good one to work with while the Moon is in Sagittarius.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Capricorn

On Wednesday the Waxing Crescent Moon will shift into focussed and responsible Capricorn. With the Moon in its Waxing Phase, we should be feeling quite energised and motivated, however, the energy of the Moon while in Capricorn could be weakened as this is the sign that opposes the Moon’s home sign of Cancer.

With the organised Capricorn energy to harness, it is perfect for setting in motion what is needed to bring forth your New Moon intentions. Implement any structures and plans and get down to serious Capricorn work. But don’t let things be too serious, which can be easy when caught up in this energy. Take some time to laugh and have fun too mid-week. Put a few drops each of Ylang-Ylang, Citrus Bliss and Elevation in the diffuser to bring in the playful, fun and care-free vibes.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Aquarius

On Friday the Waxing Crescent Moon will move into visionary Aquarius where it will be for most of the weekend. This Moon could bring further mental clarity due to its intellectual energy, but the quirky Aquarius uniqueness might see this being applied to our social circle or community in some way. You could organise or be involved with a charity event of some kind to harness he Aquarius Moon, or even just stand up for something you believe in.

Brainstorm your strategies for reaching your life and biz goals during this lunar cycle and take some time to be outside and get grounded. The essential oil Clary Sage can be great for getting clarity and seeing things from fresh perspectives and to expand your vision, which could be useful on this Aquarius Moon.

First Quarter Moon in Pisces

On Sunday afternoon the Moon will enter its First Quarter phase in the sign of intuitive and creative Pisces where it joins Neptune which is currently retrograding in its home sign of Pisces. It is a good opportunity during this Pisces First Quarter Moon to continue the momentum that has been building all week to focus on your intentions and to tap into your intuition when it comes to reaching achieving your goals in a way that feels aligned.

Pisces Moons are always great for getting creative and artistic, and to do self-care the revolves around water- go for a swim or a dip in the ocean. Also take time out to listen to your intuition and to visualise the outcome actually occurring of what it is you most desire. Use the Align essential oil blend to help with this. If you find that your personal boundaries are being tested and that it’s difficult to see things clearly with the Moon in Pisces, then use Clove essential oil for support.

Find out more about how the Moon can influence your life based on your unique natal chart in a Lunar Visioning astrology reading. Find out more by clicking the banner below!

Want to use the essential oils mentioned in this forecast? Be in touch with me about joining doTerra!

Watch the full forecast on my IGTV below:

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