Simone Samuels

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Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast

Week Commencing July 13, 2020

The energy this week is very much that of Cancer with the Sun and Mercury both in this sign this week. The Moon will join in over the weekend when it also moves into intuitive and caring Cancer, for the second time this month. Expect to feel more sensitive and reflective this week, and focus on forgiveness and acceptance.

Third Quarter Moon in Aries

The week starts with the moon in its Third Quarter phase in the sign of Aries where it moved into on Sunday. You may have a bit of a struggle with balancing the fiery Aries energies with the slower vibe of the Third Quarter moon. I recommended in last week’s forecast that this time is a good one for doing some de-cluttering while making space to also visualise and make an action-plan for the next lunar cycle.

Waning Crescent Moon in Taurus

On Tuesday the moon changes to Waning Crescent in the earthy and practical sign of Taurus, a sign where the moon loves to be. It’s not really recommended to start any new projects in this phase before the new moon. However, if there are new healthy habits you want to put into place in your life, then now would be a good time to work on those as they will be more likely to stick and become habitual if you start them while the moon is in Taurus. This would be a good opportunity to focus on a healthy eating plan for example, or getting into the habit of moving your body every day, or to start a regular journaling practice.

This is the sign and phase that really emphasises self-love and nurturing yourself. If you find this difficult to practice, then this would be the perfect time to apply the Beautiful roller blend or Immortelle blend, or make this self-care roller blend: 

Self-Care Roller Blend

5 drops Myrrh

4 drops Frankincense

4 drops Sandalwood

Top up with coconut oil

Waning Crescent Moon in Gemini

From  Thursday afternoon and through Friday,  the moon will be a Waning Crescent in the sign of communicative Gemini. While in this phase, start to release the intentions you set on the new moon which haven’t yet come to fruition and focus on expressing yourself clearly and directly with the Gemini vibes. Be mindful of your interactions with others and follow mental and intellectual pursuits. This would be an ideal time to have an important meeting in your business, to exchange ideas with business partners or to do a podcast interview where you get to meet people and which requires quick thinking.  The InTune blend will be good to use during this part of the week.

Void-of-course Moon

The moon will be Void-of-course all day on Saturday. This is a good time for contemplation and extreme self-care in the lead up to the dark moon on Sunday which will be followed by the new moon in the early morning on Tuesday.

Dark Moon in Cancer

On Sunday is the Dark Moon in Cancer, a time that is calling for stillness and quiet. Take this opportunity to really practice self-care Sunday, to go within, and to do journaling around what you want to manifest in the coming new lunar cycle.

The Cancer energy of this week will culminate on Sunday and call for you to reflect on the past few weeks since the last new moon in Cancer and to focus on any issues that may have come up around family, the home, or any emotional wounds that you need to heal as you enter a new lunar cycle. Diffuse Console or Anchor blends while you do journaling or meditation to support you as you do this work.

Want to get the essential oils to support your lunar self-care? Click the image below!

Watch the full IGTV of this forecast below:

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