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Are you ready to reclaim your time and energy at last?

It’s time to beat the burnout and to have more fun and freedom in your life, on your terms!


I get it, I really do. Being a successful entrepreneur while also managing your personal life has taken its toll- not just mentally, and emotionally, but physically too.

Your life seems to be flying by at a record pace- another day, another week, another quarter is gone in a flash. Yet while life seems to be happening around you, you only end up feeling disconnected, unmotivated and dissatisfied with the direction your life is taking.

You are too tired for pleasure and play at the end of the day, and you just want to numb it all out with external salves (like Netflix, wine and chocolate- in any quantity and combination!).

You’re unhappy and un-inspired by your work, your brain feels as cluttered as your desktop, and your life lacks oomph- you know there has to be more to it than this.

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I hear you lady! As a corporate manager, business-owner and a mum, I too have felt it all- the stress, the anxiety, the frustration, the dissatisfaction and general feeling of stuck-ness.

That’s how I know that you’re ready for a change and to live your days so they are slower, way less busy, with peace, harmony and more connection.

Can you imagine a life where…

….you’re excited about ending your day with more than enough energy to socialise and give your kids the attention they deserve.

….you’re ready to start putting your needs first and to have a life that fills you up (without over-loading your to-do list).

…you intuitively know how to practice self-care and to activate your creative energies so that ideas will flow again and you’re lit up from the inside out.

…you are on-board with slowing things riiiiiight down and to have time in your day for play, laughter and living your dreams.


 Are you afraid that none of this is possible for you and is only something available for some other woman who you stalk on Instagram gets to live?

Do you tell yourself lies that you don’t deserve to have free time to nourish yourself, that you aren’t worthy of living a life of passion?

Do you believe that feeling depleted is just a normal way to live in this word these days and that it’s not possible to run your business and live your life on your terms?


Here’s where I come in!

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I’ve been running my health coaching business since 2012 and have worked with countless women one-on-one and in group environments. The one thing I notice that all these women crave and desire, is to feel supported and connected.

This is what I now want to offer you in this unique program where you will learn how to heal yourself and how to live without the depletion, lack of self-worth, and scarcity thinking. 

You will learn how to change your old patterns, thoughts, expectations, and choices that have been blocking your life force and which result in your feelings of stress, stuck-ness, burnout, adrenal fatigue, depression and experiencing other chronic health issues.

When we are done working together, you’ll know how to harness a new whole way of energy management so that you can truly be unstoppable and which will enable you to create an impact in the world the way you want it to be.

You’ll know better about balancing your feminine energies and living in sync with the natural cycles so that you’ll feel connected to the world in which you’re living and will be able to embody the feelings of empowerment.

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I know from my own first-hand experience that when we are at our lowest, it can feel almost impossible to find a way out. I also know that when we feel supported and lovingly guided, that we are able to more easily find a sense of connection to something more.

It was only a couple of years ago that I was depressed, sad and exhausted.  With time, practice and going deep into my own personal growth by studying all the books and working with amazing coaches, I was able to rebirth myself to once again live my life on-purpose,  and to feel supported and aligned in the way I was living, working, parenting and just being every day.

Armed with the new skills, knowledge and expanded intuition, I was able to live the unstoppable life that I knew I was worthy of deep-down, and I now want to guide and support a group of other women to experience the same shifts and growth.

The Unstoppable Sister Circle is just this.

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I have created this program to be what I would have loved to have when I was stuck and it is unlike any other group coaching mentorship or training out there.

As a result of this program, you will:

  • Learn the exact routines and rituals that I have learnt to stay grounded and focussed so that you will feel good emotionally, mentally and physically and be successful in achieving your work goals and life dreams

  • Discover how to bend time so that you have more of it to do what you want every day without stress

  • Find out how to harness the natural cycles and energies around you to use them your advantage so you feel more focussed and moving into a positive direction with your life

  • Learn how to improve your energy levels day-to-day using the lunar phases- see your self-worth and abundance soar

  • Enjoy life more, and start to feel connected to your body in ways that utilise your feminine powers (and no longer push against them in a masculine way)

  • Discover how to find more alignment and flow to your days so that they are easeful and fun, and not overwhelming or boring

  • Know how to integrate the self-care pillars into your everyday life and how to practice sacred self-care that fills your heart with happiness and helps you to take care of your business soulfully

  • Be part of an inner-circle of soul sisters where you can make deep, long-lasting connections with women who will support you and who you will also support as you co-create your dreams and keep one another accountable in the divine power of sisterhood

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In this transformational 9-month journey, you’ll receive:

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New Moon and Full Moon Online Circles

On or around these two key moon phases, we will connect online in a sacred space where I will lead a moon ritual. These little mini-retreats will help you to set intentions and manifest more abundance into your life. We will explore the energy of the particular moon phase and I will connect it to our monthly theme. These circles will be supported with worksheets and other resources such as guided meditations and visualisations so you can harness the unique lunar energy and apply it practically to your life and business.

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Monthly Sacred Self-Care Training

I will release a new on-demand training video each new moon that you can watch, accompanied by a workbook including journaling questions that you can work through during the lunar month at your own pace. I know that you’ve got a lot going on in your life, so I will keep these trainings simple yet effective so you will have time to learn, create, play and relax.

We will spend the first month learning the basics of sacred cycle tracking and learning about the lunar phases, as this will be the foundational work that we build on in the subsequent months when we will focus on one of the self-care pillars which are: Self-Love and Self-Worth, Nourishing Food, Rest & Relaxation, Healthy Relationships, Spiritual Practice, Joyful Movement, Healthy Self-Management, and Passion & Purpose.

These pillars are your secret weapon in learning how to integrate rest and nourishment in a way that is grounding and centering, and will make our 9 months together an immersion into sacred self-care that is practical in everyday life.

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Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Rituals

In order to untangle your limiting beliefs around slowing down and responsibility and to help you in taking on your sacred self-care practices I will set weekly mini-challenges, as well as share more about the lunar energies as we move through the 8 lunar phases each few days, in addition to astrology forecasts for each week. These will help you to align with your cyclical nature so that you can manage your energy and health in a sustainable way.

Facebook Community

We can go farther together than we can go alone! We will connect in our private Facebook group where you can have constant access to me for exploring your issues and questions that arise with each new self-care pillar. I want this program to be high-touch, so I will provide the ongoing support and accountability you need to make the new habits your own; as well as unpack the challenges that arise on a deep soul-journey such as this. This means that I will do Facebook lives and conduct Q&A at least once a month in our group (but probably more if I feel called to share insights that I get or want to expand on a teaching!)

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I will send you a hard copy of the My Unstoppable Life Daily Journal to wherever you live in the world. This journal will be one of the foundational resources that you will use as part your daily self-care ritual.

My Unstoppable Life Journal
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$550 Value

18 online moon circles

(1 x full moon release circle and 1 x new moon intention setting circle each month)

$2000 Value

9 on-demand video trainings with additional resources including a workbook and MP3 recordings of guided meditations or visualisations related to the month’s theme

(1 self-care pillar topic each month)

$400 Value

9 months access to the private membership portal


9 months access to a private Facebook group community for daily connection

$1000 Value

Weekly mini-challenges, sacred rituals, and astrology and lunar forecasts

Unstoppable Planner sent in the mail

$50 Value

Total Value Over AUD $4000

Your investment is….


Do you want to step into the circle with me?

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Secure your limited space!

I am limiting this circle to only 15 women so that we can have an intimate group and so I can provide high-touch support throughout the 9 months we will work together.

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One of the best things about this program is that you will get the time and support you need to actually apply the tools you learn, and to overcome your current challenges without adding to your overwhelm.

We will have 9 luxurious months together to explore and dive deep into your transformation and rebirth. You will get to connect with like-minded others with whom you can be supported by. Some of my closest friendships are with women who I have met while doing courses and programs online-how cool would it be to make a new best friend?

Joining in circle is potent and powerful and with this energy you will be able to make big shifts happen and to truly be unstoppable.

I believe I am meant to lead a circle like this and have felt the calling for a long time. I have a background in education and teaching, and I have been working as a certified coach for 7 years. While I’ve been undergoing my own awakening, I have continued to study a range of soulful modalities including Reiki, NLP and kinesiology and to use energy tools such as oracle, tarot, crystals and essential oils every day. I am currently studying an advanced year-long astrology course and have being integrating the lunar cycles into my life for about 4 years.

I now feel called and ready to start incorporating these sacred tools into the work I do with my clients too.

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During our 9 months together I will be able to guide you to understand yourself in new ways and to live your life with passion and purpose. I will show you how to comfortably embrace the feminine way of living and of doing business so that you can be grounded, energised and living in greater flow and harmony.

My mentoring style is very warm and down to earth. I love to encourage and motivate but can play the role of loving bad-ass when it is needed too.

In the past, I lived under the illusion that success is connected to working hard and that pushing through would get me the freedom, satisfaction, and fulfillment I was longing for. I now know that I can manage my energy in a better way.

Implementation of sacred self-care practices have reconnected me to my body, re-ignited the spark in my soul and enlivened my creativity.

I’d love to support you in finding the same kind of fulfilment, abundance, and vitality.

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The Unstoppable Sister Circle is for you, if you…

…are an ambitious women who wants to create change and have impact in the world, but you are blocked by energy imbalances

…want to do away with feeling stress, discomfort, and exhaustion for good and are ready to experience more peace, health, success, and abundance in your life.

…crave sisterhood and connection with like-minded others and would love to be part of safe sanctuary to be your authentic self as you expand into your best self

…feel frazzled and overwhelmed and wish you had more energy to get  through the day

…are in a transition with your life and business and would love to go on the journey with other amazing women by your side

…know that you need accountability and support and would love to work with a coach to help you navigate your new way of living

…want to live your life with passion that is in alignment with your soul purpose

…you are curious about the natural rhythms and cycles, especially the lunar phases, and are keen to earn more about integrating these into your life

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The way you’re doing things now with all the hustle, pushing and exhaustion isn’t working, and I want to show you what does work instead. I know that with mentorship, support, and sisterhood that you can be living every day as an unstoppable woman. You can have a business that fills you up and doesn’t drain or deplete you  and I know you can have all that on your terms. That woman is waiting and all you all you have to do is decide which woman you want to be and say “yes”

How different would your life, your business, your relationships and your family be if you were able to show up as a well-rested, self-loving, glowing, truly happy human being?

I have gone from severe burnout and adrenal fatigue to living a purposeful new life that has brought me freedom and many opportunities to create a life that I truly love.

And you can have that too.

After our 9 months together, you will no longer be saying:

 “I wish I had more time for myself.”

“I’m so busy! I don’t have a moment to breathe.”

“I need more hours in the day.”

Or any of the other stories you tell yourself now that are keeping you small and from living the unstoppable life that you deserve.

It is time for you prioritise yourself and your self -care and this program gives you permission to do just that.

It’s your time to connect to the natural rhythms of nature, retrain your brain, and master the art of sacred self-care so that you can live an unstoppable life.

Do this for you as the ultimate act of self-care.

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Frequently Asked Questions

+ When does the program start?

You will receive your first welcome email as soon as you sign up. Once you join you will receive a welcome email with a link for access to the private membership portal and a closed Facebook group that you can participate in right away. We officially start on January 25th with an opening ceremony on the new moon. New module content will be released each new moon in the membership portal and I will also email you to let you know. You will have access to the membership portal and Facebook group from when you enrol until October 2020.

+ How much time will this take me each week?

I know you're super busy and that’s why this program features a short training video each lunar month, along with a workbook that you can go through at your own pace. It's up to you how much you participate in the mini-challenges and other circle rituals. Even if you are juggling work or your business, children and family commitments, the program has been designed to be an easy to fit into your life. I certainly don't want to add to your stress and overwhelm- quite the opposite! There are no assignments or due dates, so you won't "fall behind". This is a personal development program and everyone will grow at different rates. You will want to commit to the new moon and full moon circles and to about 15 minutes minimum each day to complete your sacred self-care ritual.

+ I've tried other online programs before and they didn't work. What makes this one different?

The Unstoppable Sister Circle is not a program with deadlineas and due-dates. Every individual will be starting from a different place and will have their own personal goals they want to have at the end. I have designed this program for women who truly want to lead their most fabulous, healthy and fulfilling life. To do this, you understand that you need to invest in yourself and take action but you also need the support around you to keep moving forward. This is how it is different from most other online programs where you sign up and are then left to struggle by yourself. This takes a holistic and long-lasting approach to health. I want to see you flourish into your most unstoppable self and for that to continue beyond the length of this program.

+ How can I pay for the program?

Credit card via Stripe is the method of processing payments. There is a full-pay and 9-part instalment plan option. When you click the button to join, you will be taken to the payment processor to complete your registration. You will then have access to the membership portal. The program is priced in AUD. Go to to calculate your currency conversion. Contact me if you have any payment concerns. Due to the nature of this program, there will be no refunds given.

+ What time will the moon circle calls be?

The dates for the circles will be either on the new and full moon based on the Southern Hemisphere time zone, or the day after, depending on the day of the week the new/full moon falls. I will give you plenty of warning about these so that you can schedule them into your calendar. The timing will be in the Southern Hemisphere evening at 4pm unless otherwise informed prior to the event. You will join the circle using a special Zoom link and it will be conducted via video. All the circles will be recorded so that if you can't join live you can watch later at time that works for you within three days of the actual moon phase. The first new moon in the program is January 25th 2020 and the first full moon is February 9th 2020.

+ How much personalised time will I get with Simone? Can I do this with a friend or family member?

I will be in the private Facebook group regularly and will be available in there to answer questions. This is a group coaching program- if you want to have 1:1 calls with me and to have email support to answer questions, then contact me to set up a 1:1 support option so we can work together privately as you go through the program. If you have bonuses that included 1:1 sessions then I will be in touch with you to book those. If you want to do this program with a friend or family member, they are welcome to join but they should also pay and register to participate.

Other Questions?

No problem, please email me at and I will get back to you as soon as I can, or click the Contact Me popup at the bottom left to start a live chat

Are you ready to for all the energy and freedom you need in your life to be unstoppable?

You deserve this lady!

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© 2019 Simone Samuels

This program and website is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any disease, nor is it intended to be used as a substitute or replacement for medical treatment. Please seek the advice of a healthcare professional for your specific health concerns. Individual results may vary.