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3 Little Known Ways to Stop Over-Eating

3 Little Known Ways to Stop Over-Eating

We’ve all been there- eaten way too much at the lunch buffet, taken thirds of our favourite dinner, or not been able to stop eating until all the popcorn/the entire block of chocolate/whole jar of peanut butter was gone. It might feel like our off-switch is broken, and we end up feeling fat and bloated. This then escalates into a barrage of negative, mental self-talk, and being shrouded in guilt and shame and self-loathing. It is a dark downward spiral.

It might seem like it’s impossible for you to know when to stop eating, or that you always give in to your cravings, however with implementing these three simple mindset tools, you should find that it is much easier to stop overeating.

Along with techniques such as intuitive eating and using a hunger and fullness scale, these lesser known mindset adjustments could be the missing ingredients when it comes to working on weight management and reducing food (sugar) cravings for good.