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3 Little Known Ways to Stop Over-Eating

3 Little Known Ways to Stop Over-Eating

We’ve all been there- eaten way too much at the lunch buffet, taken thirds of our favourite dinner, or not been able to stop eating until all the popcorn/the entire block of chocolate/whole jar of peanut butter was gone. It might feel like our off-switch is broken, and we end up feeling fat and bloated. This then escalates into a barrage of negative, mental self-talk, and being shrouded in guilt and shame and self-loathing. It is a dark downward spiral.

It might seem like it’s impossible for you to know when to stop eating, or that you always give in to your cravings, however with implementing these three simple mindset tools, you should find that it is much easier to stop overeating.

Along with techniques such as intuitive eating and using a hunger and fullness scale, these lesser known mindset adjustments could be the missing ingredients when it comes to working on weight management and reducing food (sugar) cravings for good.

The Secret Tool for Overcoming Cravings and Emotional Eating

The Secret Tool for Overcoming Cravings and Emotional Eating

When we focus on feeding our bodies- but not our souls- then it’s really difficult to break out of emotional eating patterns, to stop feeling guilty around food, and it’s almost impossible to feel happy in our skin. The secret tool is using a special kind of healing of the mind and body which I will discuss in this blog post.

How to Nourish Your Mind, Body and Soul

How to Nourish Your Mind, Body and Soul

What if there was more to losing weight, overcoming emotional eating and beating your cravings than worrying about food, calories, fat grams, macros and micro nutrients? Would that seem too good to be true?

The thing I have come to learn over the years of working with clients and in my own personal experience, is that our diet- the food we eat- plays only a very small part in losing weight and living a healthy life. It's our Soul Foods that we need to nourish rather than filling our bodies with junk food to fill the voids.