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6 Ways to Use Positive Affirmations for More Success and Better Health

If there is one things I have come to know, is that our words are powerful. When used positively, our words can motivate, empower, and inspire us. When we use our words responsibly in the form of positive self-talk and positive affirmations, they have the potential to change our perspective and to flip our mindset in an instant, so that we can achieve all that we want to be successful and unstoppable.

6 Ways to Use Positive Affirmations for More Success and Better Health

Positive affirmations are statements you say to yourself that describe how you want to feel, with the intention that if you repeat them enough, you will eventually start to feel it.

For example, you have probably seen movies where the initially timid hero stands in front of the mirror and keeps repeating, “I am confident.” This isn’t just part of the script written for visual effect; it’s a theory that often stands true in real life.

Here’s what you need to know to harness the power of positive words and thinking in your everyday life.

1.     Keep it simple

It is important to stand straight, yet very relaxed, and repeat the words slowly, as if you're dictating them to your mind. Talk to your inner self like you would to a scared child right before their first on-stage performance.  It’s best to have the affirmations written down in front of you so that you feel as if you already have material that confirms what you're saying. Speak in a relaxed and confident tone. You need to believe the words that your mouth speaks and your ears receive. This can be the hardest thing when saying affirmations, as it can be difficult to truly believe, but act like what you are saying is true if you need to. If you do not show complete confidence while speaking, it is unlikely that you'll get the best results.

2.     Be consistent

Consistency is the key to making these affirmations effective in your life. Do not expect to simply repeat these lines for two days and see miracles. This requires time, patience, and most importantly, consistency. The goal is to make yourself believe the words that you're hearing. Do not lose hope and do not give up if you don’t see the desired changes in yourself right away. Remember that, “Nothing worth having comes easily.” So, if you wish for these affirmations to come true in real life, understand it will require patience.

3.     Practice using affirmations twice a day

Start in the morning right after you wake up. At this point, you have a fresh day ahead of you, and it’s important to position these affirmations in your mind and body for the rest of the day. The second time would be at night, right before you go to bed. The stress and problems of your everyday routine have probably worn you down and left you feeling pretty low on motivation. Therefore, if you practice and recite these affirmations before you go to bed it can help you to sleep peacefully and start your next day with a fresh mind.

4.     Embody affirmation tools in everyday life

Try something simple like have little Post-it notes with your affirmations written on them around your house. Stick them in places where you're most likely to see them often, such as your mirror or refrigerator. You can also type them up and set them as your desktop or wallpaper on your phone, tablet, or laptop; post your affirmations everywhere you can so that the words never fail to leave their impact and remind you throughout the day.

You can download this free PDF guide which includes images with affirmations you can use as phone or computer wallpapers or print them out and stick them up.

Free Go-To Affirmations Guide for Instant Download

5.     Have clear goals

Having clear goals is the key to getting the most out of your affirmations. Draw a clear picture of what you want to achieve when you accomplish your affirmations and drive yourself towards that goal. Visualisation can be super powerful in helping to really believe what it is that you are affirming to yourself.

6.     Mind your language

When creating positive affirmations that work there are a few guidelines to keep in mind. Use the present tense so you can act as if it is already happening. Instead of “I want to be fit” use, “I AM healthy, strong, and fit.” Also use a positive outlook and avoid negative words, always affirming what you do want to have happen. When possible, construct your affirmations beginning with “I” or “I am” or “I enjoy” or “I choose” and keep the phrases short, clear and specific. Include words that suggest strong, positive emotions such as “I am full of energy and positivity” and include thoughts that work for you and inspire you.

It might seem weird at first to say affirmations, but once you make them a part of your daily routine it becomes second nature and then you can get ready to see a flood of positive thoughts, emotions and results come your way.

Want to learn more about how to make healthy habits such as affirmations part of your everyday life and to feel unstoppable every day? Join the next round of the Unstoppable Woman Project, my signature coaching program to get you living your best life every day.

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