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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing October 19th, 2020

*Days and times are in AEST

The forecast based on the astro weather this week brings us oe where things might feel quite intense, so be sure to take time out to be in the moment, do things that nourish your body and soul and to laugh as much as possible to lighten the mood.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast for Week commencing October 19, 2020 #lunar #moon #nergy #forecast @moonmagick #moonritual #forecast #astrology

Waxing Crescent Moon in Scorpio

The week begins with the Waxing Crescent moon in deep and transformative Scorpio where it shifted into on Sunday. This is a time when your intuition might be heightened. A Scorpio Moon is a good time to do things like researching or to do things that require deeper thought rather than superficial thinking.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Scorpio with Mercury in Retrogade #lunarselfcare #moon #lunar #scorpio #mercuryretrograde

Try to only make connections with people who you truly want to send time with and who ignite feelings of passion. The Moon will be joining Mercury which is currently retrograde in Scorpio too, so be prepared for intimate, intense and uncomfortable conversations and for truths to bubble to the surface. Use the Forgive essential oil blend to help let go of any hurt or pain that is good to let go of during this time.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Sagittarius

On Tuesday and Wednesday the Waxing Crescent Moon will be in charismatic and optimistic Sagittarius. This energy is one of adventures and exploration- not just physically but also esoterically- as a way to find the greater meaning to things. The Sag energy can be very inspiring and can help us to see things from fresh perspectives and to make improvements. Look at where you might able to change the way you are doing things to do things in a new way.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Sagittarius #moon #lunar #sagittarius #lunarselfcare #moonmagick #

It’s a great time to learn or study and or even to do research in order to expand your knowledge. Have a little adventure somewhere if you can- even if it is just taking a new route without a map and to get a little lost. Use the oil blend Elevation or even Citrus Bliss as a way to tap into the Sagittarius carefree and spontaneous energy.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Capricorn

On Thursday the Moon shifts into the sign of responsible and realistic Capricorn, along with Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter also connecting here. With this transit you can expect there to be some big energies and for there to be transformative potential in all areas of your life, so look out! The oil blend Salubelle is the oil of transformation so apply it to your crown, forehead, wrists and heart to hep release negativity and to bring comfort during times of when things can be challenging.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Capricorn #lunar #moon #moonphase #moonmagick #caprcorn lunarselfcare #waxingcrescent

Capricorn is an Earth sign so you should feel more grounded among all the intense and potentially scattered energies, but be mindful of over-working yourself too with the increase in energy that this Moon phase brings. Capricorn Moons can encourage structure and organisation so it is a good time to set goals and make plans and to do things that require patience and discipline to get done.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Aquarius

On Friday afternoon the Moon moves into the sign of unconventional and innovative Aquarius where it will stay for through to the end of the weekend. You might find that doing rituals that harness the Airy Aquarius energies will be really helpful to get grounded, and be compassionate with yourself if you’re really feeling things intensely. Achieving balance might always be the goal but isn’t always easy to attain even in the best of weather, so use this opportunity to look at what you might need to change to really feel focused and grounded. The Balance essential oil blend should definitely be going in the diffuser to support this.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Aquarius #waxingcrescent #moon #lunar #moonmagick #aquarius #lunarselfcare

First Quarter Moon in Aquarius

On Saturday is the First Quarter Moon in Aquarius whilst the Sun moves into Scorpio where it meets Mercury that is now in retrograde and marks the start of Scorpio Season. The First Quarter Mon is when we should feel our energy increasing and should be ta king steps towards our goals and intentions set on the Libra New Moon on Saturday.

The Aquarius energy should also help in bring in new insights and awareness on what it is you want and need so that you can then go about working on those things with more clarity and forethought. We might feel like things aren’t moving quickly enough (due to the other astro energies including Mars in retrograde) so take this time to slow down if need be to really reflect and evaluate, especially on an emotional level, as things have been pretty intense  due to the major cosmic activity going on right now.

First Quarter Moon in Aquarius #firstquartermoon #aquarius #lunar #moon #moonmagick #lunarselfcare

Aquarius encourages us to think outside the box so don’t be afraid to colour outside the lines and to tap into your inner rebel, while also using the Aquarian ability to detach emotionally to really allow innovation to happen. Use the essential oil lend Past Tense as way to feel more calm and relaxed and to bring the feeling of equilibrium after this time of intensity.

For self-care, take time over the weekend to get grounded, spend time outdoors and do a digital detox for a few hours or even over two days and instead spend quality time with your family and friends so you can nurture those connections and to have some Aquarian-style intellectual conversations.

The good news is that things are going to be easing up and next week should feel easier and lighter, so stick with it this week and feel all the feels if need-be.

To order your essential oils to support your lunar self-care, click the banner below:

Get a Lunar Visioning reading to find out how to harness the Moon’s energy to map out your life based in your natal chart.

Watch the full forecast on my IGTV below: