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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing May 25th, 2020

I hope you had a beautiful new moon over the weekend and that you had a chance to set some powerful intentions for the lunar cycle ahead.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast for the Week Commencing May 25th, 2020- Simone Samuels- Astrology & Oils

Get ready to feel a bit more sensitive than usual at the start to this week with the moon in Cancer, la luna’s home sign. Be mindful of how you interact with the special people in your life, being careful in your communications and showing compassion and kindness at all times.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer- Lunar Self-Care and Essential Oils recommendations

Really focus on the self-care pillar of rest and relaxation. Get enough sleep so you can feel calm and minimise stress. Take time out for some mindful moments as you work throughout the day and do some yoga poses that focus on the chest and stomach, the parts of the body which are ruled by Cancer.

Waxing Crescent Moon Phase Roller Blend- Lunar Self-Care and Essential Oils

A great essential oil to use at the start to this week is Lavender, as it helps to invoke feelings of calm and patience. Diffuse on its own or with Rosemary to help you to relax, and be in the moment. You might also like working with Bergamot as it is relaxing yet uplifting and helps us to feel supported in a time when our emotions may be running high and we could feel impatient around others.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo- Lunar Self-Care and Essential Oils recommendations

Mid-week the waxing crescent moon moves into the sign of fun and playful Leo. We will likely feel our energy increase, and will want to refine our action steps for fulfilling our new moon intentions so that we can start to take action on those. Leo will likely bring the feeling of creativity, and if you do get these creative sparks then harness the Leo vibes to confidently and courageously follow through on them. This is a great time to work on your Passion and Purpose self-care pillar and to do more creative tasks in your business such as writing blog posts or creating course content.

Make a roller blend of Black Pepper, Wild Orange, and Cypress and roll this on the back of your neck and on your feet to really get inspired.

First Quarter Moon in Virgo- Lunar Self-Care and Essential Oils recommendations

On Friday the moon shifts into the first quarter phase in the sign of detailed and logical Virgo where it will be for most of the weekend. We might find that we feel grounded and focused. Take this time to work on your relationships and to analyse the way you communicate with your loved ones.

Virgo can also bring a good energy for focusing on the self-management self-care pillar- what healthy habits can you start doing in your routine? Do you need to get any check-ups done? Or just use this opportunity to get organised in your business and to evaluate what’s working and what could be tweaked so there is more efficiency. Are there some systems you can put into place during this lunar transit so you can have more structure?

Virgo also encourages us to focus on our health and well-being, so make sure you are eating well, drinking plenty of water and maybe drink some herbal teas or green smoothies for a healthy boost. Spend time outside too, if you can.

First Quarter Moon in Virgo Diffuser Blend- Lunar Self-Care and Essential Oils recommendations

In the first quarter phase we may benefit from using essential oils that steady the mind so that we can really focus on or projects with a high level of awareness.  Virgo can sometimes make us worry more about things, so using Lemon, Patchouli, and Peppermint will help whether used individually or mixed in a diffuser or roller blend.

Get your essential oils to support your lunar self-care:

Watch the full forecast on IGTV