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Lunar Energy and Mood Report

Lunar Energy and Mood Report

How are you going with your Moon wishing and manifesting? Did you harness the increased energy of the past week to start taking inspired action on making your New Moon intentions? Are they still feeling aligned?

I’m personally excited about this week ahead, for the high energy ad focus that it will bring for me to focus on my intentions and projects. It is also my son’s birthday this week, and he has been counting down sleeps for weeks now, so there is definitely an excited vibe in the air around here!

Enjoy the energy this week because next week, it’s not only a Full Moon, but there are also some other powerful astrological transits, as well as Equinox (Mabon/Ostara), which will really make things feel a lot more intense!

Let’s look now a bit more closely at what to expect from the lunar energy and mood this week!

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

How are you feeling? Have there been any Pluto retrograde transformations? Keep noticing how power and control are showing up for you in your life as this retrograde continues over the coming months. In other cosmic weather, this week also sees Venus entering Gemini and Jupiter moving into Pisces which could see some energy ad mood shifts. Looking to the Moon, this week we all get a fresh start with the New Moon in earthy and abundant Taurus. Really use this New Moon to feel into the Taurus Season energies of comfort and nourishment, ideally out in nature.

Continue reading for the full forecast….

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

With the Moon continuing to wax this week, we will want to focus more on our intentions and goals for this lunation and to take action on the things needed to help bring them into fruition. Energy levels will be peaking by the end of the week which can be useful to make the most of by planning out big projects and tasks.

There is quite a lot going on in the skies that will be influencing things too. Mercury will be affected by Pluto, Mars and Jupiter which could mean that our thoughts and communication will have us speaking our mind and thinking about many different things that will either have us feeling scattered and confused or thinking about things in new and transformational ways. Today also marks the start to Taurus Season with the Sun moving from Aries into this earthy, practical and grounded sign. Taurus Season is perfect for slowing down, focusing on self-care, and to paying attention on your money, finances and material possessions.

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

So here we are in March already! February felt like it flew by, and the Virgo Full Moon was the best way to close out the month. Was there any area of your life where you had any A-HAs particularly around structures and boundaries? Pisces Season continues this month and will continue to illuminate our spiritual side as we close out the astrological year feeling supported and in flow. There will be positive energy in the later part of the week with Mercury and Jupiter forming a lucky conjunction that could bring abundance and growth. The Moon has now entered its waning phase where it will be for the next two weeks, so it’s time to start to reflect and recharge, and with some gentler astrology transits and angles this week, it should mean that we will have chance to do just this. Keep reading to take a closer look at the moonology for this week….

Full Moon in Gemini Release Ritual

Full Moon in Gemini Release Ritual

This Full Moon in Gemini is a potent event and the energies can be harnessed to release and shed through this Full Moon Release Ritual.

This Gemini Full Moon closes out the cycle that began with the Gemini New Moon we had in May. Ask yourself, how have you grown and how have things changed in your life since May?

The Gemini Full Moon will put the spotlight on your inner truth and desires and you might be compelled to express these by communicating your thoughts and feelings, as a way to release them.

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Lunar Mood & Energy Forecast

Lunar Mood & Energy Forecast

With this full moon in Virgo, we can let go on any negative patterns and work out new, more practical systems and ways of doing things. This is particularly the case with our wellbeing- what unhealthy habits are not serving you, what can you clear away on the full moon so that you can have the space energetically and physically for new, positive habits. Now would be a great time to do a detox or create a new morning or evening routine to support your health.

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Lunar Mood & Energy Forecast

Lunar Mood & Energy Forecast

Welcome to the moon energy and mood forecast for the week ahead.

We start this week in the Pisces new moon. If you haven’t already, be sure to take some time out to do a little new moon ritual and to set your new moon intentions. There is a handy section called moon mapping in the My Unstoppable Life Journal which is great for doing your intention-setting.

We can expect to feel a lot of watery Piscean energy this new moon with the Sun, Mercury and Neptune all in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is a spiritual, emotional and intuitive sign. Pisces calls us to heal past wounds, explore our emotions and the express ourselves in a way that is healthy and high vibe.