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Personal Development

12 Healthy Habits Every Entrepreneur Needs to Have to Be Unstoppable

12 Healthy Habits Every Entrepreneur Needs to Have to Be Unstoppable

Let’s face it, as entrepreneurs our lives are pretty hectic! If your days are like mine, then they are jam-packed and non-stop from the time you wake up until you finally close the lid of your laptop and go to bed.

There’s getting you and your family up and ready in the morning, then working hard all day, planning healthy meals, doing activities for the kids after school, working on your business once the house is finally quiet well into the late night (especially during launches!)…then there are unexpected  things like our kid gets sick, or we have an unexpected deadline at the same time as a we are trying to get our weekly blog post out, or our partner needs to go out of town for his work, leaving us to manage everything on our own…’s not a wonder we push ourselves into the brink of burnout.

Being burnout and suffering adrenal fatigue is the opposite to being an Unstoppable woman who can go about her day feeling radiant, with boundless energy and endless inspiration. The good news is, by managing stress in a positive way, these negative consequences can be avoided and you can be on top of your game to do it all.

The general key is to practice self-care. I talk about the importance of self-care all the time, but that’s because a lot of stressors in our life can be eliminated or decreased by following a simple routine that puts our health and wellness first.

Read on for the 12 healthy habits to help you manage the stress, prevent the overwhelm and have the energy you need to be unstoppable!

Journal Your Way to Health and Happiness

Journal Your Way to Health and Happiness

 We all face difficulties in life- breakups, the deaths of family and friends, job loss, rough days, and general sadness. These situations often leave us feeling heartbroken, confused and at a loss with how to deal with our emotions, and this is where journaling can play a major role in supporting us through these yet unpredictable and sometimes difficult to handle situations.