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How to Make Plans for Your Business Based on the Moon

How to Make Plans for Your Business Based on the Moon

Whilst at first it may seem a little woo-woo, harnessing the energy of them moon as she moves through her phases is actually something that is very strategic and logical and can make planning- in both your business and your life- much easier!

Gazing at the moon and using the moon’s energy has guided humans for eons, and scientific studies have been conducted that show the moon has effects on our mood and energy. We know that the lunar cycle controls the ocean tides, it affects reproduction in fish, melatonin levels in birds, hormonal changes in insects and can also impact on our menstrual cycles.

For centuries farmers have planted crops and harvested at particular times depending on the moon, and just like the moon affects the tides, she can also impact on the salt water that arises within our own bodies which are comprised of 50-70% water. It’s water that stores our emotions and energy and you may have even felt this on a full moon with stronger emotions and restless sleep.

Mama moon may seem mystical and magical but her power is real, and harnessing that is advantageous for us humans here on earth. When you start noticing and tracking the phases from new moon to full moon, as well as how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally at each phase, you will start becoming aware of just how powerful them moon really is.

The 8 Self-Care Pillars that are Essential for Business Success (and How to Practice Them)

The 8 Self-Care Pillars that are Essential for Business Success (and How to Practice Them)

There is no doubt that entrepreneur life can be challenging. If there is one thing that I have come to know from working with my clients, and from my own life as a business-owner, the biggest struggle that most entrepreneurs experience is a lack of work-life balance.  

The biggest excuse most women who I know have for not making self-care more of a priority is the lack of time. It’s understandable that in working as a solo-preneur, there are seemingly endless to-do lists that need to be done yesterday. and that it can get complicated to try and fit everything into just one day.  With this kind of stress, looking after ourselves can become the lowest thing on the priority list. Too often, I see women pushing themselves to the limit and treating themselves like their own worst enemy, rather than their own best friend.  

Then there is the guilt. When we are working for ourselves, either full-time or as a side hustle, we can feel guilty for spending time on things to nourish our own well-being and not that of our business. It’s easy to put the needs of our business, then our family and then our friends before our own. But at the end of the day, we should be practicing self-care and looking after our well-being the same way we would treat someone who we love.  

12 Healthy Habits Every Entrepreneur Needs to Have to Be Unstoppable

12 Healthy Habits Every Entrepreneur Needs to Have to Be Unstoppable

Let’s face it, as entrepreneurs our lives are pretty hectic! If your days are like mine, then they are jam-packed and non-stop from the time you wake up until you finally close the lid of your laptop and go to bed.

There’s getting you and your family up and ready in the morning, then working hard all day, planning healthy meals, doing activities for the kids after school, working on your business once the house is finally quiet well into the late night (especially during launches!)…then there are unexpected  things like our kid gets sick, or we have an unexpected deadline at the same time as a we are trying to get our weekly blog post out, or our partner needs to go out of town for his work, leaving us to manage everything on our own…’s not a wonder we push ourselves into the brink of burnout.

Being burnout and suffering adrenal fatigue is the opposite to being an Unstoppable woman who can go about her day feeling radiant, with boundless energy and endless inspiration. The good news is, by managing stress in a positive way, these negative consequences can be avoided and you can be on top of your game to do it all.

The general key is to practice self-care. I talk about the importance of self-care all the time, but that’s because a lot of stressors in our life can be eliminated or decreased by following a simple routine that puts our health and wellness first.

Read on for the 12 healthy habits to help you manage the stress, prevent the overwhelm and have the energy you need to be unstoppable!

How to Maintain a Boss Babe Mindset Even When Things Get Tough

How to Maintain a Boss Babe Mindset Even When Things Get Tough

There is no doubt that being an entrepreneur is hard work. Sure, it’s also very rewarding and can bring great amounts of joy into our life by pursuing our passion, but the days can also be long, lonely and frustrating at times too.

It’s normal to have periods like this when we feel stuck in a rut. And the way to get out of a rut like this requires doing some deep mindset work so we can get motivated again and not sink deeper into the dark hole.

Our mind works in mysterious yet powerful ways. Our thoughts, actions, responses, and future are all affected by the mind. Transforming our mind to think more positively and to help us shift our mindset might seem like something magical, but it is very doable. Here are my 5 top tips to a happier, more focused, and enlightened mind so you can be the boss babe you know you want to be.