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emotional eating

How to Live a Healthy Life After the Holidays

How to Live a Healthy Life After the Holidays

Before you start doing detoxing and dieting in the new year, let me tell you that this is the worst thing you can do. Not only will it not work, but it could leave you feeling worse than when you started. A much more effective approach is to just get back to your normal lifestyle. This is really the best way to recover from the feasting. Trying to restrict or control your diet after relishing the freedoms of the past week will only make you feel stressed and anxious.

If you want to feel good in your body and excited about the year ahead, there are simple back-to-basics healthy routines that you can start doing right away which don’t involve dieting or detoxing but which will let you live a life of balance that you can enjoy.

6 Things You Need to Overcome Your Cravings

6 Things You Need to Overcome Your Cravings

Almost everyone experiences cravings at some time or another. While sometimes our cravings can seem to overtake our rational thoughts and make us want to eat foods that we know are not good for us, they are not always a bad thing to be scared of.

What is your body really need when a craving hits? Find out the physical and emotional signals that are sent by your body as a craving that needs to be met.

How to Stop Feeding Your Emotions With Food

How to Stop Feeding Your Emotions With Food

There are many emotional associations we have with food- positive and negative. When we eat because we are bored, lonely or tired we are triggered by our feelings and not physical hunger. Learning to be mindful, to deal with our emotions and connect with food in a positive way to support our mood can break the cycle of feeding our emotions.

How to Practice Moderation

How to Practice Moderation

That expression “do everything in moderation” has been around forever, but how hard is it to actually live a life of moderation? For most of us who are trying overcome binge-eating or emotional eating, moderation seems nothing but elusive, right?

There is a constant cycle of excess then deprivation, then excess again. We will deprive ourselves of food we love, or cut our whole food groups which we worry will trigger us to binge, or embark on extreme exercise, or drink ourselves into oblivion. It seems we are trapped between two extremes where there is no middle ground- it is black or white, with no grey area where moderation exists.

Of course, living our lives on either end of the spectrum is unhealthy- not just for our body and mind, but for our souls. We should be able to eat comfort foods occasionally, and really enjoy those foods without any guilt. We should be able to have a couple of drinks a few times a week without becoming drunk. We should be able to exercise so that it feels good and allows our body enough to time to rest and recover and not be injured.

So, what’s the trick to being able to eat, drink and exercise in moderation most of the time rather than taking an all or nothing approach? Mastering motivation requires practicing these six things regularly. When you do, it becomes easier to avoid the extremes and excesses and it’s then possible to reach a state of equilibrium that is healthy as well as enjoyable. 

The Secret Tool for Overcoming Cravings and Emotional Eating

The Secret Tool for Overcoming Cravings and Emotional Eating

When we focus on feeding our bodies- but not our souls- then it’s really difficult to break out of emotional eating patterns, to stop feeling guilty around food, and it’s almost impossible to feel happy in our skin. The secret tool is using a special kind of healing of the mind and body which I will discuss in this blog post.

How to Nourish Your Mind, Body and Soul

How to Nourish Your Mind, Body and Soul

What if there was more to losing weight, overcoming emotional eating and beating your cravings than worrying about food, calories, fat grams, macros and micro nutrients? Would that seem too good to be true?

The thing I have come to learn over the years of working with clients and in my own personal experience, is that our diet- the food we eat- plays only a very small part in losing weight and living a healthy life. It's our Soul Foods that we need to nourish rather than filling our bodies with junk food to fill the voids.