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What Every Ambitious Woman Needs to Know To Be Unstoppable

What Every Ambitious Woman Needs to Know To Be Unstoppable

I believe so much in the power of being unstoppable that it has become my business mission to help every ambitious and driven woman entrepreneur I know to be living an unstoppable life.

So what does it mean to actually BE unstoppable?

How to Plan Your Unstoppable Year Ahead

How to Plan Your Unstoppable Year Ahead

Even though the year has already started, it's not too late to plan out your goals, dreams and desires for the year ahead. Having a clear plan helps to direct the Universe. It also makes our days flow with more ease and allows us to make decisions from a place of alignment.

Once we know what we want to accomplish, we can then work with the natural energies of our cycle, as well as factor in key astrological and numerology dates, to map out how we will manifest our intentions.

The Secret Tool for Overcoming Cravings and Emotional Eating

The Secret Tool for Overcoming Cravings and Emotional Eating

When we focus on feeding our bodies- but not our souls- then it’s really difficult to break out of emotional eating patterns, to stop feeling guilty around food, and it’s almost impossible to feel happy in our skin. The secret tool is using a special kind of healing of the mind and body which I will discuss in this blog post.

How to Honour Your Hunger and Fullness

How to Honour Your Hunger and Fullness

Honouring your hunger is about recognizing what happens internally before you get hungry. Instead of waiting until you’re so hungry that you could eat an entire house, you start to tune in to the internal signals that your body is ready that it’s needing nourishment. Learning how to do this is key to successful intuitive eating.