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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing October 5, 2020

*dates and times AEST

It’s going to be an intense week ahead with Mercury in Scorpio which can bring hidden thoughts and desires to the surface, and conversations can become deeper. Venus is also moving through detailed Virgo which means we can look at our values and desires and de-clutter our physical spaces to ensure things are looking and feeling comfortable.  This transit means it is important to let go, tidy up and re-organise things. This ties in nicely with the Moon being in it’s waning phase where it will be for the next two weeks. During the waning phase, rest, reflect and release your physical and mental space, as well as your body through detoxifying and nourishing it with clean and healthy food.

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast for Week Commencing October 5, 2020 #lunar #moon #moonmagick #moonphases #lunarselfcare

Waning Gibbous Moon in Taurus

To start the week, the Waning Gibbous Moon will be in sensual and stable Taurus where it is exalted. As an earth sign, it’s important on a Taurus Moon to spend time outdoors, to spend time beautifying your home, to move your body in gentle ways such as through yoga and it’s a good excuse to go and get a massage. It’s also a good time to do some creative projects and to take some time to make sure your plans and goals in your business are still in alignment.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Taurus #waninggibbous #lunar #moon #taurus #lunarselfcare #moonnmagick

Taurus also rules finances so today would be a good time to do your personal budgeting or to map-out your business finances or do your book-keeping. Tap into the Taurean hard-working vibe to push through on any projects that you still need to finalise. If you want to really feel stable and strong then use the Anchor essential oil blend that’s from the Yoga Collection.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Gemini

On Tuesday afternoon the Moon will transit into social and communicative Gemini. With the Moon here it is a good time to get social, have some fun, and also do  any study or learning that is on your to-do list. Researching and brainstorming are also good ways to harness the Gemini energies. In your business, use these few days to network and work on your marketing or to do any writing of editing. Ylang-Ylang, Peppermint and Tangerine will make a great diffuser blend to really feel playful, cheerful and upbeat

Waning Gibbous Moon in Gemini #waninggibbous #moon #gemini #lunar #lunarselfcare #moonmagick

Waning Gibbous Moon in Cancer

On Friday the Moon will move into nurturing and emotional Cancer. With the Moon in her home sign, it is all about giving and receiving emotional heath and security. Evaluate how well you’re nurturing both your own emotional needs as well as your loved ones. This will be a good time to spend time at home and to share home cooked meals with your loved ones and to really focus on your self-care and what your mind, body and soul needs to feel cared for. If this is lacking in your life, diffuse some Easy Air.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Cancer #cancer #waninggibbous #lunar #moon #lunarselfcare #moonmagick

Third Quarter Moon in Cancer

Saturday marks the Third Quarter Moon in Cancer. It’s important to check in with yourself in this phase, plus  this will likely be a particularly emotional transit with Mercury beginning its pre-shadow phase in intense Scorpio and with the watery Cancer vibes binging feelings of sentimentality . Make sure you are not being too sensitive and really look after yourself on an emotional level. The waning phase is about letting go, so release any negative energies so as to strengthen your personal power. Do some meditation, try some energy healing such as Reiki, and clear your physical space with some sage or palo santo. Also use Lemongrass essential oil to help cleanse, Spearmint essential oil to aid in confident speech during this challenging time and Patchouli to balance your emotions.

Third Quarter Moon in Cancer #cancer #thirdquarter #lunar #moon #moonincancer #lunarselfcare #moonmagick

Third Quarter Moon in Leo

On Sunday the Moon will move into the sign of expressive and charismatic Leo. This means it’s time to get a bit or social or to go out to the theatre to watch a play or concert if that’s possible for you. Leo loves to be seen, so this could be a good time to record any videos, do podcasts or interviews or to work on your marketing and promotions. It will be a Sunday so if you enjoy getting creative and arty then this would be fun to do and try to watch the sunrise or sunset to connect with the sunny Leo vibes. Use the oil blend Cheer to help bring in the feelings of fun, or if you need to be more brave and courageous in the things you are pursuing, diffuse some Juniper Berry.

Need any of the essential oils mentioned above to support your lunar self-care, then click below to get started or have a chat with me to get some samples!

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Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast Summary Week Commencing October 5th, 2020 #lunar #mood #neergy #lunarselfcare #moonmagick

Watch the full forecast on my IGTV below: