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Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast

Week Commencing September 28, 2020

*Days and times are Australian Eastern Standard

The big news this week is the start of the new month with a Full Moon, but there are also some other interesting astro weather events such as Saturn stationing direct in Capricorn and Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, but this post is focused on how the lunar energies will affect us in the week ahead.

Lunar Mood and Energy Forecast Week Commencing Septmeber 28, 2020 #lunar #mooon #lunarselfcare #forecast

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Aquarius

We kick off the week with the Waxing Gibbous Moon in humanitarian and visionary Aquarius where it moved into on Sunday. This placement calls for social connections, doing things in a new or different way, and standing up for what you believe in. With your work, it’s a good time to brainstorm and do more intellectual type of work, and don’t be afraid to embrace your individuality and uniqueness.  Using Magnolia essential oil will aid in feelings of inter-connectedness.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Aquarius #waxinggibbous #moon #lunar #lunarselfcare #aquarius #moonmagick

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Pisces

On Tuesday afternoon the Waxing Gibbous Moon moves into emotional and dreamy Pisces. In the last days of the waxing phase of the Moon,you might be pushing to finalise your projects, but the Pisces energy could leave you feeling heavier emotions that may slow you down. It could be good to take some time out to visualise what you want to achieve in your business and life, ahead of the Full Moon, and be sure tap into your spiritual self-care and feel into any intuitive insights. If you’re feeling a bit scattered and un-grounded from the Pisces energies then try using the oil blend Anchor from the Yoga Collection to support you.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Pisces #waxinggibbous #moon #lunar #pisces #moonmagick #lunarselfcare

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Aries

There is a long void of course on Thursday, after which the Moon will shift into Focused and Active Aries in the afternoon. This is where things might get interesting as the Moon will be joining Mars which is currently in retrograde in Aries, which is also its home sign. Whilst we might normally feel celebratory and energised on a Full Moon, the Mars retrograde could make things a bit more challenging as the usual motivation and you have could manifest in feeling sluggish and slow. You might want to look at what it is that drives and motivates you and what you can do to ignite enthusiasm and passion back into some areas of our life where this may be lacking.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Aries #waxinggibbous #moon #aries #lunar #lunarselfcare #moonmagick

Full Moon in Aries

At 7:05am on Friday is the Full Moon in Aries which marks the completion of the Aries lunar cycle that started with the new moon in March. The Full Moon brings us the chance to let go and release. Focus on your partnerships and who you can let go of in your relationships to bring more balance and to allow room for the people who really matter. You might like to also look at where you can have better boundaries with important people in your life.

Along with your Full Moon Mapping in your My Unstoppable Life Journal, another little Full Moon ritual could you might like to do is to write a list of where your relationships are not serving you, as well as any old arguments or any problems that are causing disfunction. Also look at where your life is out of balance and then release everything on that list by burning or flushing the paper.

Full Moon in Aries #fullmoon #aries #lunar #moon #lunarselfcare #moonmagick #rituals

Be sure to be mindful over this transit too, as Mercury is in retrograde which may mean conversations could be intense and heated. Any difficult conversations will only illuminate how we connect with our loved ones and where me might be a little self-centred or headstrong.

Using thus Aries Full Moon diffuser blend can help balance out any feelings of pride, stubbornness or stagnancy that might be illuminated in this very intense Full Moon: Oregano, Cilantro, Bergamot, and Wild Orange.

Full Moon in Aries Diffuser Blend Recipe #fullmoon #aries #diffusr #recipe #blend #rollerball #moonmagick #essentialoils

Waning Gibbous Moon in Taurus

On Sunday the Waning Gibbous Moon moves into stable and Earthy Taurus. Keep up meticulous self-care to manage your Full Moon hangover and the heavy feelings that might still linger along with some interesting oppositions and squares that could keep us on our toes. Taurus loves spending time outside in nature as well as relaxing and chilling so make the most of your Self-Care Sunday to get a little bit lazy in the name of nurturing your mind and body. If you are able to get a massage it would be perfect or try doing an at-home facial. Diffuse Aromatouch or Patchouli to help with the feelings of relaxation and groundedness.

Waning Gibbous Moon in Taurus #waninggibbbous #moon #lunar #taurus #waning #lunarselfcare #moonmagick

Need these essential oils to support your lunar self-care? Get in touch!

Want to learn more about the lunar energies and get guidance and clarity from the Moon? Work with me!

Watch the full forecast on my IGTV below: