Week Commencing August 17, 2020
Our week begins with the Sun and Moon both in Leo. What a fun energy to kick-off this week with! Even though our energy levels will be waning with the upcoming dark moon, there are only a few more days of the Leo Sun season. So really make the most of this time to enjoy yourself, play, embrace your inner-child and celebrate being alive. Put on your favourite playlist and dance like nobody’s watching, get crafty or express yourself artistically, jump on a trampoline or try hula-hooping- anything that is playful and brings joy to make the most of the last few days that the Sun is in Leo.
Dark Moon in Leo
On Tuesday it’s the Dark Moon which is a time for stillness, going slow and contemplation of the lunar cycle that was. Do some journaling and explore how you kept things in balance since the Cancer New Moon. How well did you focus on the eight self-care pillars? Which pillars did you nourish and which ones not so much? What projects or goals did you complete, and what is still yet to be done? Do you still want to focus on those areas or are you ready to let go? What are you proud to have achieved?
Start planning for your new moon intentions where you can focus on creative projects or getting new ideas off the ground. Diffuse Juniper Berry essential oil to harness the confidence you need to pursue the things in your life that might seem a bit scary but which will step you out of your comfort zone.
New Moon in Leo
On Wednesday is the New Moon in Leo, marking the start of a new lunar cycle. The theme of this cycle is self-belief and personal power. This makes this New Moon a good one to set intentions around any projects or plans that you want to launch.
Make plans for this lunation to up the ante in your marketing efforts, put yourself out there for dong podcast interviews and build your confidence in telling your story and sharing this on your social media. The Leo New Moon energy will ask us to look at where we can boost our self-esteem, and to focus on the areas of our life that we need to build our confidence and to be our authentic self. This might also mean stepping into a leadership role in your business, work or home life and setting boundaries so that you can step into your personal power and believe in yourself.
Ask yourself where you can be more courageous and how you can live your values more authentically every day. Use your My Unstoppable Life Journal to do your New Moon mapping on Wednesday night and the essential oils Ylang-ylang, Elevation, Cheer are all oils that good ones to use on the firey Leo New Moon.
Waxing Crescent Moon in Virgo
On Thursday the Waxing Crescent Moon Moves into practical and detailed Virgo. It’s always a good to harness the Virgo Moon energy to de-clutter your space, organise your files physically and digitally, and to get organised. A good “get organised” roller ball blend to try is to combine: Cypress, Frankincense, Lemon, Orange, Rosemary and Sandalwood applied behind the era and on the back of the neck.
Also on Thursday it’s worth noting that Mercury joins the Moon in Virgo. This will intensify the already very detailed oriented vibe of Virgo- so do be mindful of some of the shadow traits of Virgo such as self-criticism and perfectionism and practice patience and kindness with yourself and with others. Use the oil Bergamot or the Beautiful blend to support the release of any judgemental thoughts and feelings that might arise.
Waxing Crescent in Virgo Get Organised Roller Blend Recipe #virgo #waxingcrescent #rollerbball #moon #lunar #aromatherapy
Waxing Crescent Moon in Libra
On Friday there is a long Void-of-course Moon before it moves into harmony-loving Libra where it will be until the end of the weekend. Libra is always seeking balance, so beware of any disagreements with loved ones over the weekend so that you can keep the peace that a Libra Moon most wants, and consider this a good time to negotiate or form partnerships on things. Libra also loves beauty, and the Waxing Moon might lead us to feel quite creative and inspired, so look at how you can improve your home or garden by decorating it in a more beautiful way. Diffuse Hinoki or roll-on the Peace blend to harness the Libra Moon vibes over the weekend.
Virgo Sun Season
On Saturday is the start to the Virgo Sun season, personally my favourite time of the astrological year. Even though this is a lunar energy forecast I do feel it’s important to look at what to expect from the Sun in Virgo. This energy is very earthy, practical and supportive and encourages us to look after our health- mental, emotional and physical. We will be inspired to get our house in order, so to speak, during this season. The de-cluttering and organisation of your home and work life that you started on Thursday will really continue for the next four weeks. The Virgo Sun will also allow us to more easily analyse things in our life harnessing the detail-oriented Virgo to see things in a new way and find ways to improve and problem solve where need be.
There certainly is lots to look forward to on this busy week. I hope that the lunar weather brings positivity to your week!
If you need these essential oils to support your lunar self-care then click the image below to find out more about purchasing doTERRA from me:
Watch the full forecast on my IGTV below: