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Lunar Mood & Energy Forecast

Week Commencing February 17, 2020

This week’s astro energies are looking to be quite intense because we have some major planets in the serious and structured sign of Capricorn, and starting from the February 17th, Mercury will be retrograde in the sign of Pisces where it will be stationed until March 4.

All these factors combined will really keep us on our toes, and to add to the mix is the start to the Pisces season mid-week when the sun moves into Pisces. We might sense some tensions brought about from the Capricorn need to control opposing the Piscean free-flow vibes.

Weekly Moon Mood & Energy Forecast- Week Commencing Feb 17

Watch the video or read all about what to expect from the lunar energy and mood this week ahead.


As for the moon, on Sunday and Monday it is in the waning crescent phase where it’s light will be dimming in the sky until the new moon in Pisces on the weekend. Currently in Sagittarius, the moon will join Mars, Jupiter and Pluto in the sign of Capricorn on Tuesday which is when the serious vibes and tensions could begin.

The waning phase is always a good time to slow right down, to rest, reflect and rejuvenate. Don’t start any new projects this week, even if the Capricorn energies might make you want to do all the things on your list and then some. Resist taking action to preserve your energy. If you find your mind is very active this week, get out your journal and make lists and plan out new projects, but don’t start them until after the fresh start of the new moon.

If you also feel more connected to your intuition this week, then this is due to the effect of the sun in intuitive, emotional and dreamy Pisces, so listen to those little nudges and again journal out any new insights and revelations that might come to you.

It’s a good time this week to get creative, express yourself artistically if that helps you to get into the flow with your dreams and activate those light-bulb moments that are likely to happen.

It will be important to practice the rest and relaxation self-care pillar this week- get plenty of sleep and do some earthing to ground your energies.

At the end of the week, the moon will be just a small slither in the sky and will be in the big-thinking sign of Aquarius. The waning crescent is always a great time to reflect and along with the Aquarius energy, it will be a good time on Friday and Saturday to look at your business and lifestyle from a new perspective and to practice gratitude for all that has gone well in this lunation. This will help you to change course where and if necessary and to set your new moon intentions in a focused way.

Talking of the new moon, this will happen on Sunday, which is when you should take time to set your new moon intentions around what it is that you want to bring into your life and to take action on in the next lunation. The Pisces new moon closes out the astrological year making it the best time to look back on what you have created and completed and to look ahead and set your clear and aligned intentions for the months ahead.

I invite you to join me on Sunday for an online productivity activation circle where we can join together in circle and sisterhood for the new moon in Pisces. During this online virtual circle you can learn how harness the energy of the new moon in Pisces to set your intentions, lay down the groundwork for a productive month ahead and activate the spark that can help you to live your highest potential.

By joining in circle you will be able to create an opportunity to be mindful, to reflect, and to connect to your purpose for more energy, productivity and flow for the next 12 months ahead. It’s kind of like new years eve all over again 😊

I hope to see you in Sunday’s online circle and I hope that you manage to navigate this complex week without too much stress!

Note: All days mentioned are for the Southern Hemisphere, the Northern Hemisphere will be a day earlier

Click the image below to save your seat in Sunday’s circle: