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Full Blue Supermoon in Aquarius Self-Care

Embrace the Aquarius Full Moon: Self-Care Practices and a Releasing Ritual

Tonight’s Full Moon in Aquarius is a powerful one in that it is a Blue Moon (one of two Full Moon’s this month) and it is a Supermoon. This makes it a great time for introspection, innovation, and embracing your authentic self. This lunar event encourages you to break free from outdated patterns and step into a more liberated and unique version of yourself. Whether you’re seeking to connect with your inner truth or ready to release what no longer serves you, these self-care practices and a guided releasing ritual can help you harness the energy of the Aquarius Full Moon.

Self-Care Practices for the Aquarius Full Moon

1. Journaling for Self-Reflection

The Aquarius Full Moon is an ideal time to dive deep into self-reflection. Grab your My Unstoppable Life Journal and explore questions like:

  • What are my unique strengths, and how can I use them more effectively?

  • Are there any societal norms or expectations I’ve been conforming to that no longer resonate with me?

  • How can I bring more authenticity and innovation into my life?

Allow your thoughts to flow freely as you connect with the visionary energy of Aquarius. This is a moment to be honest with yourself and identify areas where you might need to make changes.

2. Engage in Creative Expression

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of innovation and creativity. Use this Full Moon as an opportunity to tap into your creative side. Whether it’s painting, writing, dancing, or any other form of artistic expression, let your creativity flow without judgment. This practice can help you connect with your inner self and explore new ways of thinking and being.

3. Practice Mindful Meditation

Aquarius energy is often associated with mental clarity and vision. A guided meditation focused on clarity and insight can help you connect with this energy. During your meditation, visualize the moonlight washing over you, clearing away mental fog and opening your mind to new ideas and perspectives.

4. Connect with Your Community

Aquarius is the sign of community and humanitarianism. Use this Full Moon to reach out to your tribe, whether that’s close friends, family, or a broader community. Engage in meaningful conversations, share your ideas, and collaborate on projects that inspire you. This can be a powerful way to harness the collective energy of Aquarius.

5. Detox Your Digital Life

In a world where we are constantly connected, the Aquarius Full Moon invites you to take a step back and detox your digital life. Unfollow accounts that don’t inspire you, declutter your inbox, and set boundaries around your screen time. This practice can help you create space for more meaningful connections and innovative thinking.

Aquarius Full Moon Releasing Ritual

If you’re ready to let go of what no longer serves you, this Aquarius Full Moon releasing ritual will guide you through the process.

Materials Needed:

  • A journal or piece of paper

  • A pen

  • A small bowl of water

  • A candle (preferably blue or white)

  • Sage, palo santo, or incense (optional)

Step 1: Set the Space

Create a serene environment by lighting your candle and, if desired, burning sage, palo santo, or incense to cleanse the space. As you breathe deeply, center yourself and tune into the energy of the Aquarius Full Moon.

Step 2: Reflect and Write

Take a moment to reflect on what you’re ready to release. Ask yourself:

  • What beliefs or habits are holding me back from expressing my true self?

  • Are there any fears or doubts that I need to let go of?

  • What patterns no longer align with who I am becoming?

Write down everything that comes to mind. This is your chance to clear out anything that’s been blocking your path.

Step 3: Release

After writing, read your list out loud, feeling the weight of these burdens as you prepare to let them go. Tear the paper into small pieces and drop them into the bowl of water, visualizing the water cleansing and dissolving these energies.

Step 4: Affirm Your Intentions

Now that you’ve released what’s no longer serving you, take a moment to affirm your new intentions. Speak or write down affirmations that resonate with the innovative and authentic energy of Aquarius. Examples include:

  • "I release all that no longer serves me and open myself to new possibilities."

  • "I embrace my unique path and live in alignment with my true self."

Step 5: Close the Ritual

Close your ritual by expressing gratitude to the Aquarius Full Moon for its support and guidance. Blow out the candle and respectfully dispose of the water and paper.

Step 6: Reflect

Take some time to journal about how you feel after the ritual. What insights did you gain? How can you continue to embody the energy of Aquarius moving forward?

The Aquarius Full Moon is a powerful time for transformation and growth. By engaging in these self-care practices and performing a releasing ritual, you can align with the energy of this lunar event and step into a more liberated, authentic version of yourself. Remember, the journey of self-discovery and growth is ongoing, and each Full Moon offers a unique opportunity to evolve and embrace your true potential.

Would you like to learn more about harnessing the energy of the Moon to bring more abundance and energy into your life? Why not join my 5-day course, Moon Magic!