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Essential Oils

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Wow, what an intense few weeks we have had. I send out so much love to everyone who is feeling pain and grief right now. The Age of Aquarius really is upon us as we go through a necessary collective transformation. First our lives were disrupted by the pandemic and then humanity was forced to see and hear loudly the social inequities and imbalances which has now led us to react as a global society. There has been so much momentum as old paradigms are being broken down and now we need to take more of a slow burn approach so that we can stay focused, positive and determined to stay on track and so that we don’t give upon our dreams.

If you thought that these astro-energies have been pretty wild, then hold on tightly, as things aren’t looking to let up any time soon with the continuation of retrograde season and the height of eclipse season now upon us.

How to Harness the Waxing Moon Energy Using Essential Oils

How to Harness the Waxing Moon Energy Using Essential Oils

As the moon grows, its energy becomes more expansive and nurturing, and in the same way, so does ours. Energetically, this is the time to plant the seeds for the situations and circumstances that we want to see come about in the short term ahead.

When the moon is in the waxing crescent phase, and whilst it’s starting to increase in size, the moon's creative energy is not yet at its full strength. This means it’s best to focus on short-term projects that you want to see come to fruition quickly. This is not the phase to go about making huge life-changing decisions or to start a new major project. Instead, it’s best to take small action steps towards your immediate goals and intentions.

10 Ways to Break-Free From Stress for Women Who Hate to Meditate

10 Ways to Break-Free From Stress for Women Who Hate to Meditate

Meditation is great for relieving and dealing with stress, and all of the issues that come along with it. But it's not the only way to get there.

The whole purpose of meditating is to calm the mind and emotions and relax our physical body too. I know for some people, finding the time and learning how to meditate can lead to more stress and anxiety, especially if it feels “too hard” or like it’s “not working”.

Luckily for you, there are other ways to minimise stress that don’t involve meditating. So let’s talk about some of the other things to try if meditation is not exactly your thing