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Self Care

How to Start a Lunar Self-Care Journaling Ritual

How to Start a Lunar Self-Care Journaling Ritual

Using the moon as a guide for my regular journaling practice, has helped me to become more grounded, more mindful and to practice sacred self-care every day in a way that feels really good.

There really are so many benefits to a moon journaling practice and it is a very easy ritual to build into your self-care routine to start harnessing the moon’s energy to plan your days and weeks in a way that is gentle and in flow.

The best thing is that it’s easy to get started with lunar journaling, even if you don’t yet know much about the lunar cycle and have never followed astrology before.

The 8 Self-Care Pillars that are Essential for Business Success (and How to Practice Them)

The 8 Self-Care Pillars that are Essential for Business Success (and How to Practice Them)

There is no doubt that entrepreneur life can be challenging. If there is one thing that I have come to know from working with my clients, and from my own life as a business-owner, the biggest struggle that most entrepreneurs experience is a lack of work-life balance.  

The biggest excuse most women who I know have for not making self-care more of a priority is the lack of time. It’s understandable that in working as a solo-preneur, there are seemingly endless to-do lists that need to be done yesterday. and that it can get complicated to try and fit everything into just one day.  With this kind of stress, looking after ourselves can become the lowest thing on the priority list. Too often, I see women pushing themselves to the limit and treating themselves like their own worst enemy, rather than their own best friend.  

Then there is the guilt. When we are working for ourselves, either full-time or as a side hustle, we can feel guilty for spending time on things to nourish our own well-being and not that of our business. It’s easy to put the needs of our business, then our family and then our friends before our own. But at the end of the day, we should be practicing self-care and looking after our well-being the same way we would treat someone who we love.  

5 Signs You’re Burning-Out and How to Stop It

5 Signs You’re Burning-Out and How to Stop It

You might think that burnout is something that only happens to other people, busier people, more important people. But let me tell you that burnout is a very real problem, especially for solopreneurs.

Maybe burnout affects us ambitious entrepreneurial women because we have such a soul connection with our business and our success in our work lies solely on our shoulders.

I know I have done my fair share of 14+ hour days as a business owner over the years (especially during times like launching) even though one of the reasons for starting my own business was to have freedom and NOT be tied to my computer all day!

Focusing so much attention on your business is not actually a wise decision- not if you want to achieve a work/life balance that makes you and your family happy. Even if you’re single, making time for self-care and relaxation will improve your overall health and mental wellbeing and your ability to work on your business successfully.

So let’s look at some of the signs to look for that indicate you might be headed toward burnout. If you can relate to any of these, then it’s time to reassess things in your life right now, because burnout is difficult (and costly!) to recover from!

10 Ways to Break-Free From Stress for Women Who Hate to Meditate

10 Ways to Break-Free From Stress for Women Who Hate to Meditate

Meditation is great for relieving and dealing with stress, and all of the issues that come along with it. But it's not the only way to get there.

The whole purpose of meditating is to calm the mind and emotions and relax our physical body too. I know for some people, finding the time and learning how to meditate can lead to more stress and anxiety, especially if it feels “too hard” or like it’s “not working”.

Luckily for you, there are other ways to minimise stress that don’t involve meditating. So let’s talk about some of the other things to try if meditation is not exactly your thing

How to Balance your Body and Soul by Grounding

How to Balance your Body and Soul by Grounding

Everyone could use a little grounding in their life. You may be unfamiliar with the term grounding or earthing, but it is nothing to shy away from! Grounding is a natural way to ease the stress in your life, as well as improve sleep by using--that’s right--the very ground we stand on! Our bodies were meant to come in contact with the earth daily, multiple times per day even.

Throughout the years, we have gradually spent less and less time outdoors. Between long hours at work, the day-to-day chores associated with owning vehicles and homes, over-stimulation with our various electronic devices, and easily accessible entertainment right from our couch, it has become increasingly difficult to enjoy our leisure time outside.

Usually, we will find tiles, carpet, wood and other synthetic floorings in homes and work spaces, that replace the very floors our ancestors walked on- the earth in its purest form.

Read on for ways you can ground your body and get back in sync with Mother Earth, all while relieving stress, decreasing inflammation, and syncing your body with the earth below you.

How to Do It All Without the Burn-Out

How to Do It All Without the Burn-Out

To say that life can get stressful and at times difficult to handle, is pretty much an understatement. The problem is that the constant stress can really affect us negatively in so many ways. However, with a little understanding about managing stress and how it affects your body, your stressors can be easier to manage and, oftentimes, preventable. A lot of stressors in our life can be eliminated or decreased by following a simple routine that puts our health and wellness first. Read on for my key tips to help you manage the stress in your life…