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4 Surprising Reasons Why You’re Gaining Weight

4 Surprising Reasons Why You’re Gaining Weight

This blog post is for you, if you feel like you are doing everything “right” but your body seems to be functioning “all wrong”.

This information is for you if you’re positive that you're not eating more food or “junkier” food but you're still gaining weight.

This is for you if you feel bigger than ever, even though you are eating intuitively, only when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full and really listening to what your body needs (and definitely not bingeing), but your clothes no longer fit you and you’ve gone up one or two dress sizes in a matter of months.

You might be asking yourself, how is this possible? Am I totally crazy?

Darling, you definitely are NOT crazy!

And here's why.

Whilst in theory the whole “calories in, calories out” argument makes sense, it’s an overly simplistic view of weight.

There's definitely more to the story than just what you're eating. For sure you can’t out-exercise a bad diet, but even following a healthy diet can still mean you have difficulty in losing weight and you can even gain weight despite being “good”.

A lot of this comes right down to your metabolic rate which is affected by things like your activity level, history of dieting, body composition, and even what you eat. Unexplained weight gain is usually a message from our body- which means we need to stop and listen to what it’s telling us so we can rectify things.

Keep reading…

How to Get a Healthy Mindset and Reach Your Goals Quicker

How to Get a Healthy Mindset and Reach Your Goals Quicker

When we first make the decision to get healthy and to make positive changes to our lifestyle, it can feel really overwhelming. It can seem like there are so many things that can improve your health and wellness but it’s difficult to know where to start. The good news is that there is a small- yet powerful- way that you can get started- and that’s with your mindset!

It doesn’t matter what habits and actions you try to change and put into practice, it is only with the right mindset that a long-lasting difference will happen- and the changes will be a lot easier to make too. Mindset is sometimes called “the story we tell ourselves.” It’s our attitude toward things in our life and is something that we have all the control over.

How to Balance your Body and Soul by Grounding

How to Balance your Body and Soul by Grounding

Everyone could use a little grounding in their life. You may be unfamiliar with the term grounding or earthing, but it is nothing to shy away from! Grounding is a natural way to ease the stress in your life, as well as improve sleep by using--that’s right--the very ground we stand on! Our bodies were meant to come in contact with the earth daily, multiple times per day even.

Throughout the years, we have gradually spent less and less time outdoors. Between long hours at work, the day-to-day chores associated with owning vehicles and homes, over-stimulation with our various electronic devices, and easily accessible entertainment right from our couch, it has become increasingly difficult to enjoy our leisure time outside.

Usually, we will find tiles, carpet, wood and other synthetic floorings in homes and work spaces, that replace the very floors our ancestors walked on- the earth in its purest form.

Read on for ways you can ground your body and get back in sync with Mother Earth, all while relieving stress, decreasing inflammation, and syncing your body with the earth below you.

How to Keep a Positive Mindset and Clear Negativity as an Entrepreneur

How to Keep a Positive Mindset and Clear Negativity as an Entrepreneur

Without a doubt, so much of our success and wellbeing as an entrepreneur really comes down to our mindset. Being able to ward off negativity when it strikes, and to keep a positive attitude in all areas of our life, is what can make or break it for us.

Now of course, we are only human. It is completely normal for negative thoughts to creep into our day-to-day life and to cause little bumps in our lives. Its when these thoughts become a pattern that they become not only harder to shake, but they can also affect our ambition and ability to navigate through our daily tasks as fluidly as wed like.

Negative thought patterns can also affect our sleep, motivation, productivity, emotional strength and stability. Negative energy has this way of being able to pull us down, and the unconscious mind works in such powerful ways that it can diminish our happiness and make us feel badly about certain things in our life.

Sometimes, our mindset can be affected by stress and overwhelm in trying to juggle everything in our business and life. Other times our moods can swing due to our menstrual cycles, the lunar cycle or even just the weather getting us down. It may seem like there is no good reason to be feeling negative, whilst other times it might be very clear what has caused the shift in mood and thinking.

How to Do It All Without the Burn-Out

How to Do It All Without the Burn-Out

To say that life can get stressful and at times difficult to handle, is pretty much an understatement. The problem is that the constant stress can really affect us negatively in so many ways. However, with a little understanding about managing stress and how it affects your body, your stressors can be easier to manage and, oftentimes, preventable. A lot of stressors in our life can be eliminated or decreased by following a simple routine that puts our health and wellness first. Read on for my key tips to help you manage the stress in your life…

5 Surprising Ways to Break Your Bad Habits for Good

5 Surprising Ways to Break Your Bad Habits for Good

All of us have habits, some of them not so pleasant. The good thing about habits is that they can be changed in just two weeks! For instance, are you a nail biter, or a junk-food addict, or Netflix binge-watcher? These are all things I can definitely put my hand up for doing in the past (among many others!). I can honestly say that I dont have these habits in my life anymore, living proof that habits CAN be broken! Its the time of year when we want to better ourselves in starting off the new year well. Perfect timing to find out some ways to kick your bad habits to the curb!

How to Live a Healthy Life After the Holidays

How to Live a Healthy Life After the Holidays

Before you start doing detoxing and dieting in the new year, let me tell you that this is the worst thing you can do. Not only will it not work, but it could leave you feeling worse than when you started. A much more effective approach is to just get back to your normal lifestyle. This is really the best way to recover from the feasting. Trying to restrict or control your diet after relishing the freedoms of the past week will only make you feel stressed and anxious.

If you want to feel good in your body and excited about the year ahead, there are simple back-to-basics healthy routines that you can start doing right away which don’t involve dieting or detoxing but which will let you live a life of balance that you can enjoy.